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Site Update - v1.1.10 Released!

1 minute read

BullseyeTracker now tracks your personal bests! From Season to Season when you shoot your best score, now you’ll know it automatically. Click through to read...

How to Update Your League’s Settings

less than 1 minute read

Several leagues reached out and asked if I could make a ‘public’ page available so shooters wouldn’t have to log-in to see details like the league schedule o...

Limited Public League Pages

1 minute read

To date all league configurations and settings have been set up by me personally. Big surprise, this isn’t a scalable or time-efficient process. In order to ...

Manual Decisions and Dummy Scores

2 minute read

BullseyeTracker now fully supports manual match outcomes (ties and forfeits), and also provides a ‘Dummy Score’ system for leagues which leverage that. Click...

Site Update - v1.1.9 Released!

1 minute read

This week I’ve rolled out several new features and improvements. The key area of focus was scoring and match decisions, but I also introduced some flexibilit...