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New Version, Better Experience!

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In addition to a couple feature improvements and additions, This week I focused a lot on some of the aspects of the tool that have been causing folks some fr...

New Features and Bug Squashing - v1.1.7.2

3 minute read

Thanks to all the feedback this week I’ve did my best to make the tool easier and more reliable, I added the ability to mark scores as FRO or DNF, and also a...

A Guided Tour of

less than 1 minute read

Click through to learn about how shooters in your bullseye and precision pistol league can take advantage of Review Recent Match Results...

Site Update - v1.1.6 Released!

2 minute read

With the bullseye season kicking off we’ve been getting a lot of great feedback from some of our early users. This feedback comes in the form of use-ability ...