Site Updates - v1.1.41 Released!

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New Features & UX Improvements

  • New “inactive” status for shooters. If a shooter will no longer be participating in the league going forward, an officer or captain can mark that shooter as inactive. Once a shooter is marked inactive their name will no longer appear on the roster for future matches, and they will not be in the list of available shooters when selecting your roster for future seasons. Update a shooter’s active/inactive status from the action button on their shooter page.
  • Match Signatures are now “e-signatures.” Rather than capturing an image of an actual signature, we will now ask the user to type their name and attest that the data on the match has been reviewed and is accurate. This data along with the logged-in user and a time-stamp are captured for reference. Match PDFs will now show the e-signature details when an e-signature is present and will continue to show the old-style signature for matches where that was captured.
  • The Shooter page now shows a season dropdown with each season the shooter has participated in, making it easy to view a shooter’s stats for other seasons.

Minor Changes

  • Weekly Shooter and League/Team stats are now exported separately on the league page. This should improve performance and share-ability.
  • Single team leagues can choose whether matches validate team size or not. I.e. if you have fewer shooter than “make the team” one week, you can choose whether you apply dummy scores, or skip validation entirely. Previously, a single team league would either have to reduce the team size, or add dummy score support.
  • The user that locks a match is logged automatically and is displayed on the match PDF for auditability and transparency.

Bugs Fixed

  • File names for the Weekly Stats Exports had been off by 1 in terms of the week number. This has been fixed.
  • CSV Export for team names with special characters (e.g. &, ‘, etc) now works correctly.